RAFA 2021 PROGRAM including series of lectures and vendor webinars is available NOW!
Invited speakers
RAFA 2021 is pleased to present a number of distinguished speakers.
RAFA 2021 is held under auspices of the Minister of Agriculture of the Czech Republic, Miroslav Toman.

Invitation to the RAFA
On behalf of the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (UCT Prague, Czech Republic) and Wageningen Food Safety Research (WFSR), part of Wageningen University & Research (The Netherlands), we are delighted to invite all food scientists from academia and industry and representatives of national and international agencies, control authorities, governmental and commercial laboratories to attend the Virtual event highlighting current Trends & Views on RECENT ADVANCES IN FOOD ANALYSIS (RAFA 2021).
Considering the ongoing uncertainty with the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been decided not to hold a live RAFA symposium with personal participation this year. To keep RAFA community together and invite newcomers to join us, we plan to organize an online special event "RAFA Trends & Views". This event will be free of charge for all registered participants.
We hope you will enjoy this reduced RAFA event, objective of which is not only to share with you current state of the art in food analysis but also to identify burning topics for upcoming the 10th anniversary RAFA that will be organised traditionally on-site, in November 2022, in Prague.
We are looking forward to meeting you again in November 2021 - virtually!
As long as, you are willing to join us, please mark RAFA 2021 in your calendar.
Prof. Jana Hajslova & Prof. Michel Nielen, conference chairs