Virtual event highlighting current Trends & Views


3-4 November 2021


All sponsorship & business opportunities are available on a first come first served basis.

Please complete registration form, sign it and submit to the RAFA 2021 secretariat.
Contact (exhibition manager Monika Tomaniova)
University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
Technicka 5, 166 28 Prague 6, Czech Republic
Phone no.: +420 731 625 010
Email: or

*Required information

VAT no./Tax ID (MUST be completed)*
Contact person*
Postal code*

Vendor webinars

Please indicate preferred date and time!

Engage with your audience, potential purchasing influencers and decision makers, highlight your products through webinars.
Each webinar is offered for 45 minutes in length; options are scheduled before and after the RAFA virtual event.
Please notice, companies will have to organize and stream their webinars. RAFA will provide link to delegates to join a webinar.

The organizers point out that they can organize more activities in parallel!

Nov 3, 2021 (9:00-9:45)€ 750**
Nov 3, 2021 (10:00-10:45)€ 750**
Nov 3, 2021 (11:00-11:45)€ 750**
Nov 3, 2021 (12:00-12:45)€ 750**
Nov 4, 2021 (13:30-14:15)€ 750**
Nov 4, 2021 (14:30-15:15)€ 750**
Nov 4, 2021 (15:30-16:15)€ 750**
Nov 4, 2021 (16:30-17:15)€ 750**
Nov 4, 2021 (17:30-18:15)€ 750**

** Or corresponding amount in CZK, the prices do not include VAT 21%.

Advertising spot

Advertising spot about a company products projected during breaks (2x), in the length of max. 2 min.

Limited sponsors opportunity.

Advertising spot€ 500**

** Or corresponding amount in CZK, the prices do not include VAT 21%.

Supporting partner's package

Included in the offers for Vendor webinars and Advertising spots FREE OF CHARGE

Company logo or banner, and company profile, displayed on special RAFA online event website (including hyperlink), and announcement in programme of the event.

Supporting partner's package€ 350**
for orders for Vendor webinars and Advertising spots -
Please tick off
€ 0

** Or corresponding amount in CZK, the prices do not include VAT 21%.

All companies that will order an option for SUPPORTING PARTNER'S PACKAGE, VENDOR WEBINAR or ADVERTISING SPOT are kindly asked to fill in this Company Listing:

All information must be completed in order to be considered for correct listing in the conference materials. RAFA 2021 is not responsible for including incomplete or illegible information in the Sponsor or Supporting partner Listing.

Company name* (as listed in the materials for conference participants)
Web address* (as listed in the materials for conference participants)
Company profile* (as displayed on the conference website)

500 characters including spaces must be submitted with the completed registration for exhibition & sponsorship at RAFA 2021.

Remaining characters:
The number of characters :

Company logo Logo for the website and other conference materials must be submitted with the completed registration for exhibition & sponsorship at RAFA 2021. Preferred format of the logo for the website - jpg (not less than 100 dpi), preferred format for other materials - eps, pdf, cdr, tiff, jpg (not less than 300 dpi).
Please send logo to

Additional Opportunities can be added without prior notice.
Please note that full contact details of all delegates will not be available to any sponsor due to data protection restrictions. The provision of delegate contact details is not considered as a part of any booking .

Payment conditions

Terms of Payment:

Acceptance of application for a sponsorship option is at the discretion of the organizers. Once you have submitted completed registration form and have agreed a specific sponsorship option with the exhibition manager, the total amount will be invoiced. The form is legally binding and should be submitted to the exhibition manager before September 30, 2021 at the very latest. Checks will not be accepted, only wire transfers. Please note that your claim for a specific sponsorship option will only become firm when your payment has been received within 30 days of our invoice, otherwise your reservation will be cancelled by us.

Cancellation Policy:

If you find it necessary to cancel your sponsorship, please notify the exhibition manager immediately. Cancellations must be received in writing. Provided that written notice is received until September 30, 2021, a 50% refund will be given. It is regretted that for cancellations from October 1, 2021, the sponsorship fee (100% cancellation charges) will be payable. Reimbursements will be sent until 60 days after the conference.

Signature name*
By clicking submit, you agree to be invoiced for the total amount payable and you are authorized to make the commitment on behalf of your organization.